

  1. 個人情報を取得するに当たっては、その利用目的をできる限り特定し、その目的の達成に必要な限度において個人情報を取得致します。
  2. 個人情報を、本人から直接、書面によって取得する場合には、弊社名、個人情報保護管理者名及び連絡先、利用目的等をお知らせした上で、必要な範囲で個人情報を取得致します。
  3. 個人情報の利用は、本人が同意を与えた利用目的の範囲内で行います。また、目的外利用を行わないため、必要な対策を講じる手順を確立し、実施致します。
  4. 保有する個人情報を適切な方法で管理し、本人の同意なしに第三者に開示・提供致しません。
  5. 保有する個人情報を利用目的に応じた必要な範囲内において、正確、かつ、最新の状態で管理し、個人情報の漏えい、滅失又は毀損などのおそれに対して、合理的な安全対策を講じ、予防並びに是正に努めます。
  6. 個人情報の処理を外部へ委託する場合は、漏えいや第三者への提供を行わない等を契約により義務づけ、委託先に対する適切な管理を実施致します。
  7. 保有する個人情報についての苦情・相談は、弊社の問合せ窓口に連絡頂くことにより、これに対応致します。
  8. 個人情報の取扱いに関する法令、国が定める指針その他の規範を遵守致します。
  9. 個人情報保護マネジメントシステムを定め、これを定期的に見直し、継続的に改善致します。

制定日:2017年 4月12日
改定日:2018年 7月 1日

代表取締役 竹内 一朗


Footbank株式会社 個人情報相談受付窓口

東京都中央区築地3-12-3 Well2ビル5F
TEL. 03-6278-8345 E-mail : info@footbank.co.jp

Privacy Policy

Footbank Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the company”) will in the capacity of business entity for the enterprises of the company (system solutions enterprise and football management enterprise) as well as in the capacity of a company contributing to society, strive to be in a position as a model when it comes to handle personal information in an adequate way, to acknowledge the importance of handling this information appropriately, to establish the policy for protecting this information, for directors and employees as one body to adhere to this, to protect to perfection both the personal information itself as well as the rights and interests of the individual.

  1. When acquiring personal information, to specify the purpose of use as much as possible and in order to achieve that purpose acquiring personal information only up until the necessary limit.
  2. When having acquired the personal information directly from the individual or from documents, to inform of the name of our company, the person in charge of protecting the personal information and the contact address, the purpose of use and after that only acquire this information within the range necessary.
  3. The personal information is only to be used within the range of purpose of use consented by the individual. In order for the information not to be used outside of said purpose, we take measures to establish and enact necessary protocols and counter-measures.
  4. The personal information obtained will be managed with the appropriate methods, and without the explicit consent of the individual it will not be disclosed nor offered to third parties.
  5. We will endeavour to revise ways to keep the personal information obtained – within the necessary range satisfying the purpose of use – managed correctly and at it’s newest state, to take logical and safe counter-measures and precautions against the leakage, loss and damage of this information.
  6. When outsourcing the process of dealing with the personal information, in order for the information not to leak or get offered to third parties, through contract we make it our obligation to carry out an appropriate management of the entrusted party.
  7. Contact our help desk for dealing with any complaints or consultation regarding the personal information obtained.
  8. We will adhere to the laws, guidelines and other criterion established by the country regarding handling of personal information.
  9. We will establish a management system for the protection of the personal information, review it on a regular basis and continually improve upon it.

Date Of Enactment:April 12th, 2017
Date Of Revision:July 1st, 2018

Footbank Co., Ltd.
Representative Director Ichiro Takeuchi

Enquiries regarding the privacy policy

Footbank Co., Ltd. Personal information consultation help desk

Well Second Bldg. 5F, 3-12-3 Tsukiji
Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0045 JAPAN
TEL. 03-6278-8345 E-mail : info@footbank.co.jp
