水戸ホーリーホックとの合同研修「Make Value Project」に参加しました

水戸ホーリーホックが実施している合同研修「Make Value Project」に弊社代表竹内とフランサが登壇しました。






Make Value Projectについて

Make Value Project 4月25日 「合同研修 Footbank株式会社 × 水戸ホーリーホック」



We held a joint training for the "Make Value Project" of Mito HollyHock

Our representative director Takeuchi and França took the podium at the “Make Value Project” being carried out by Mito HollyHock.

Our employees as well as players from Mito HollyHock participated together.

There are rarely any chances to come directly into contact with football players, so talking to them about the same subject like that was surely a valuable opportunity.


How all of that turned out and looked got uploaded on Mito HollyHock’s homepage so please have a look if you are interested!


Regarding Make Value Project

Make Value Project April 25th 「Joint Training Footbank Co., Ltd. & Mito HollyHock」


July 11, 2019